Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Soggy Saturday

It is after 11am on Saturday morning. Rick and I had a special treat yesterday in that Isabella and Fiona decided that Isabella would spent the night AT FIONA' HOUSE last night. Woohoo! However, when I rode my bike over there to drop off Isabella's bag... she clung to my leg and cried that she would miss me. After about 20 minutes of cling-factor, she finally decided she wanted to stay at Fiona's.

All the while, Rick was working on HIS project in the garage. Our garage went from this...

To Mid-Project...

To peg board organization and all!

I LOVE IT! And this last photo shows Rick hard at work on his very first project at his work bench: putting a new handle on the shaft-less rake.
I did make some progress in the home office... but at some point I decided to simply vegitate with Rick. We watched some History channel and ate a dinner of Grouper on the grill with fresh dill from the garden, sauteed asparagus from Winn Dixie (we had asparagus growing at our old home at one point, but haven't started any here yet... it takes a couple of years to get it to eating size), a brown rice with a piece of Texas Toast. Heavenly.
We have been watching Heroes via Netflix. We started last week on the very first episode and have been getting in couple episodes each night. I must confess, I had a major sugar craving last night. It started with a piece of Banana flavored Laffy Taffy... then some jelly beans and Runts... however, I did not have the Ice Cream Drumstick as Rick did.

We cracked the window last night and opened the blinds to enjoy the sights and sounds of an amazing storm. We stood in the back doorway and watched the lightning some, too. It was a powerful storm. At some point in the middle of the night, I had to have Rick close the window as it started to hail and blow strongly. One of our bean poles fell last night... and one of the ribs in the green house had pulled loosed... and it was flooded this morning,..
but the sun is now out shinging... and we are PAINTING THE KITCHEN.
Til tonight...

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