Friday, March 27, 2009


PICTURE: Our Horse Princess last Saturday, March 21st, at a barrel racing competition we passed by on our way home from Horseback Lessons. This mommy LOVES BARREL RACING (kudos to Camp Mac), and so does her little cowgirl!

I enjoyed an 8am wake-up call to Isabella and Fiona crawling over top of me explaining that they had fixed themselves cereal for breakfast. You see, I had told them the night before that Fiona's mom was planning to take them to see Nim's Garden at 10am. (The put on FREE showings during Spring Break and the Summer at the local Ridge theater). They had already dressed, brushed their hair AND teeth, and were ready to GO!

This began the first moment TRULY TO MYSELF during this Break. Rick at work; Bella at play; and me at WHATEVER I WANT TO.

I began by lighting some candles, heating up a cup of tea, and commencing clean-up from two wild young-uns in my living room the night before. I made a banana, raspberry, pineapple smoothie to follow my tea, and enjoyed a little bit of The View in the background of my morning. I mopped, put away a load of clothes, started a finale load in the dishwasher (for there are NO DISHES currently to be found in my sink or on the counter), and scrubbed the stovetop.

Now that the garage and master bedroom have been marked off "The List"... I now have the Home Office Paperwork/Catch-all Pile to work upon this afternoon. Rick got off early this afternoon and is already at Home Depot to work on his very own project: a work bench/tall table on our other garage wall with a peg board above. Woohoo! He asked for my help... but he can't have me until tomorrow. I have to give him A LOT OF CREDIT... for he has been working extremely hard in our yard the last few weekends: planting irises, installing a sprinkler system, working on our stone path, planting veggies, mowing the grass (which I am allergic to), and much more... most of which involved him working with his shirt-off. Nothing like a handsome man, glistening with 'hard work'... and those Greek-God-Blonde-Curls... uumm.

Sprinkler System 101, March 21st & 22nd, 2009

After I conquer the home office... I will be available for any/all assistance to Rick on whatever he and Bella want to do. But first... cleaning the master bath... followed by a long soak and my latest SELF magazine.
PS - We saw our first hummingbird of the season this morning! We quickly cleaned and filled our front and back patio feeders.

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