Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day Two of Break Fun

After our adventure at the Library, I threw on my "play clothes", turned on "All My Children", lit a number of fragrant candles, and started tackling some projects. The Master Bedroom had been on my list-o-things-to-do for Thursday. Confession: I had a couple days worth of clean laundry piled up and begging to be put away.

At some point Isabella called Fiona to come over to play. Fiona couldn't at the time, but later Fiona called back and asked if she could come over to play... which later turned into her asking if she could spend the night. A Slumper Party over Spring Break! (Fiona is the six-year-old 1st grader who lives on the other side of our horseshoe-shaped street. She has two older brothers and thus has learned to/had to share... whereas Isabella has a somewhat difficult time sharing being an only child.) They have fun together (well, most of the time).

Upon Fiona's arrival we made hot tea with honey, cinnamon toast, set out grapes and peeled an orange. The girls then made, yet again, Jello. Fiona got to stir for one minute with the addition of the hot water, and Isabella got to stir for one minute with the cold water. Flavor of the Day: Sugarfree Strawberry Banana with bits of minced strawberry from our garden, banana slices, and grapes again. Divine! (Plus I threw in a couple marshmallows on top when I enjoyed this after dinner). Speaking of dinner, we had PIZZA NIGHT... rather Red Baron good ole store-bought pizza night.

Fiona and Isabella painted for some time, played Guess Who, walked through the backyard in the rain with umbrellas, rode bikes, watched the movie "Happily Never After", watched Disney channel, played Barbies, colored, read the library books, drew upon the chalk/dry erase boards, and drank hot cocoa with marshmallows before crashing on the couches. What a day!

This afternoon I have gotten back to some much needed sewing and movie-watching. I first restacked the pile-o-jeans that I plan to use in my first ever JEAN QUILT, although I have yet to cut any of them. I then repaired seams on four decorative pillows; mended one shirt of Isabella's, three pair of my britches in which I had a "burst butt" seam, and a sweater and jacket of mine; repaired two of Chandler's Froggie toys (they now make toys in which you can replace the squeaker toy... these frogs have been the longest lasting toy Chandler has ever had in his ten years). But what I am most proud of... is creating some "skirts" for the underside of the fish tank and underneath our TV in our bedroom. Now I can hide some of my piles; this will greatly please my honey. During the course of this sew-fest... I managed to watch "Must Love Dogs" with Diane Lang & John Cusack, "Wedding Date" with Debra Messing and some stud, and "Ulee's Gold" (which I borrowed from my mom on our last PC adventure). I couldn't have done as much of this if it weren't for Fiona enamoring Isabella for the evening. Thank Heaven for Little Girls!

I am now sitting in my bedroom, listening to classical music via Direct TV and the fish tank bubbling behind me, one last candle lit in my room, and admiring all my day's work. I am thinking of all of you, too. Grateful to have such wonderful familly and friends! Grateful for this life.

Good night.

Rick's photography of some flowers in our yard. Can you guess what these blooms are?

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