Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Evening Update

We just finished dinner. Rick made ham, pasta shells with cheese sauce, green beans, and some wonderful Pillsbury bread. Isabella them dispensed the Jello to everyone. She is now sitting on the couch with Rick, eating candy, and watching Rick play "Metroid" on the Wii.

I am making progress on the garage. I am finding all kinds of treasures! I will have before and after pictures in the morning.

Isabella spent a good part of the afternoon painting. She put on her oversized smock (special thanks to Robyn who brought it back from Spain for Rick)... picked out her paint... and was content for a whole hour or more (see Rachel and Heather... there will come a time when they will be able to occupy themselves for some time... but you still have the clean-up afterwards). I had brought some some old 36" x 24" drawings from work; they are GREAT for painting upon. And what's even cooler is that once you are done for the day, you simply rip off the top sheet and still have a bunch more below. Isabella was concentrating on using her fingers/thumb to make faces and such.

GREAT NEWS TODAY: My best buddy, Heather, outbid some competitors for a NEW HOME in South Florida! It is a perfect home for them! I am so happy for her and her family.

-Heaven was in need of some cool puppies. Yesterday Rick's little brother, Sam, lost his four-legged-friend, Duke. Duke was hit by a car. We'll see you at the Rainbow Bridge, Duke!!
-Rick's maternal grandmother, Esther, was by her brother's side today when he passed away.

On tomorrow's agenda = a trip to the Pace Library, sowing some seeds in our soil, work in the home office and/or master bedroon, a bike ride, setting up the tent in preparation for our "camping adventure" in the back yard, and more.

Til tomorrow... more pictures from the Lumberjack Festival...


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