Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Catching Up & Break FUN

Hello all and welcome back. I have to get better at this. Mostly, other than sharing about Bella and our little family, is that I want to share our growing gardens with you. More on that this evening. So....

Yesterday Isabella had her 1st cavity filling! Mommy & Daddy were both present and she did very well (they don't even numb kids these days... he explained that as long as he didn't get deep enough down to the nerve). Rick and Dr. Daniel (who has been my dentist since I was Isabella's size) talked politics and Dr. Ed and I talked Gator Sports. From the time we left out of the dentist, I was on cloud nine, for I have taken the rest of the week off to spend with Isabella on her very 1st ever SPRING BREAK. Thus, I am enjoying a Spring Break as well. A much needed one I might add.

We started off last night with Movie Night! We watched Sleeping Beauty! (Aside - Isabella is leaning against the dining room table as I am writing... reading along as I type... she says "I Love You"). I promised Isabella that I would sleep in her room last night. Thus, after I woke up to my cell phone alarm that I had not shut down for the week (to get me up at 445am)... I finally crawled into her bed and we nuggled until about 8am when I crawled out of her bed. I had rigged the alarm clock and doors so that Rick could get off to work without us hearing him. Aaahhh... to sleep in... it felt good.

As I started my coffee (black I might add, for my little sister has me following a low/no sugar regiment)... I found Isabella in the computer room. She has found a site that allows her to dress up a doll and a horse and then print out a picture of the two on a rustic background. She was at it again, for last night she brought me a stack of about twenty different styles she had created and printed. Needless to say, my printer is reading "LOW INK"... thus she only was able to print three this morning before I had to ask her to take a break from printing. We jumped in the shower together to start our day off clean. I have spent most of this morning cleaning up the kitchen and living room so that I can enjoy a partially clean home while I am going to be home the next few days (Aside - Rick just pulled up from work for lunch--I have the blinds open and have been watching the wind blow on this overcast morning--I am going to visit with him for a moment).

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