Sunday, October 5, 2008

Before I forget

Must pass this on...

Isabella asked me yesterday... "Can we go to 'Old MacDonald's'?"

She was referring to McDonald's.

We were going over "sight words" sent home from school. When a five-year-old is trying to read the word "at"... he/she typically says the short vowel sound for 'a' and then the 't' sound. Now what do you think happens when they look at the word 'as'? Do you think they pronounce the 's' as a 'z'? No. Thus, parents are not the only reason our children learn such words as 'ass'.

Now one parents CAN be blamed for... this parent in particular. Bella went with me and Chandler to PetSmart recently. She wanted to push the buggy. With a large bag of cat litter in the cart... pushing the cart and turning into aisles can be tricky for a 46-pounder. Bella was making a turn and the cart got away from her a little bit... and guess what mom heard... "Shit" she said as she tried to manuever the cart back on track. We had a little chat about that and were on our way.

More on my goofy gal to come. Love to all and to all a Good Night.

1 comment:

Cali Wilson said...

That's great--I am sure it doesn't help with one of her foul mouthed aunts--although I am learning to stray to other words!!