Friday, October 17, 2008

Pain in Life

There is something that happens to a woman's spinal alignment once she gets pregnant. I am thoroughly convinced that motherhood and back pain go hand-in-hand. Maybe it has to do with a little human growing inside your body and literally kicking your spine into a direction never ventured before. I have been to the chiropractor twice in the last two weeks to no avail. My right hip keeps shifting forward causing a twinge of constant pain where my last vertebrae touches my pelvic bone on the left. I have been cognizant of how I am sitting at work, in my car, on the couch, etc. I have also been vigilant with the pillow between my knees as I sleep. I just can't get comfortable. Usually a trip to the chiro gets me back on track (until the next time I twist or bend in a fashion that causes me a world of pain). Now after the second visit, the "doctor" says I need to stretch, for my muscles have "learned" this new position and are rocking me back into the uncomfort zone. I am also supposed to apply ice after loosening the muscles with a hot shower. We'll see if this helps... but I am still not aligned properly this lovely Friday morning.

Speaking of pulling muscles/pain/discomfort... Tuesday night Isabella and I went to Rick's softball game. Bella found a little friend, Savannah, that she begin to talk/play with. As they were climbing onto some transformer boxes, I was thinking that she could fall off the box, bust her lip, get hurt... but don't be an overbearing mother, Iris, let her play. Well, she didn't fall off the transformer box. They started to play hide and seek. Now there weren't many places to hide, so once they found each other, they ran back to a nearby light pole to tag "Home". Bella's first time to hide is upon us... she hides behind the transformer box. After Savannah locates Bella... and they are racing to the pole... Bella trips and falls, landing somewhat on her right side with her right arm behind her back. Needless to say, the crying ensued. When I couldn't get her to stop crying after applying ice and coddling her for about ten minutes, I knew it was bruised or strained badly. I prayed we didn't have any broken bones, for we have made it five years without a trip to the E/R and I didn't want to break that record that evening. Isabella was very concerned that she wasn't ever be able to color again. It was truly pitiful. Rick called the doctor the next morning; they told us to give her Ibuprofen and to ice. We kept her out of school on Wednesday to restrict movement that would cause her discomfort (i.e. writing, coloring, pointing, and the list goes on... people often don't appreciate their body and the movement it allows until this movement is hindered with accompanying pain). Getting dressed has been a challenge, brushing teeth and hair, eating, and all the other things she is used to doing with her right hand/arm. I had to drive Bella to school yesterday, because she couldn't carry her backpack. Today she seems to be doing much better. Rick told me that yesterday her great-grandfather explained that she couldn't ride a horse until she could raise her arm over her head. Yep... her right arm pointed to the sky immediately. Ah... the bumps and bruises and pain of life.

1 comment:

Frances Rae said...

I knew you'd be a good blogger :) I'm sorry to hear about Miss Bella's arm. I hope her it's healing well. Looking forward to hanging out with y'all.