Saturday, October 4, 2008

Starting a Blog

Hello All-

It is an amazingly wonderful October morning. I am sitting on my back patio with my laptop, listening to the eee-eeek, eee-eeek of the swing set--Bella is decked out in her horseback riding attire: jeans and boots (Thanks Noni)--and to the birds talking/bickering/mocking/singing. From my perch I can see the okra that needs to be cut, the last of the watermelons peeking out from a true mess of vines, and the pink dahlias standing tall as if they know that this month is "Pink Month"... Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Chandler is languishing in his pre-dug hole, thoroughly a cool weather fan.

My "Little Sister", who I adore immensely and who recently bequeathed me a new title of AUNT in July, has been on my case about starting a blog. I have a MySpace account, but this avenue seems more intimate in sharing the precious moments of my life with my most favorite people. I applause Rachel for her heroic efforts in keeping us east-coasters updated as to the ongoings in her life... especially the updates on Nealon G.I. So here's to you, little sister of mine....

Since I started writing, Bella appeared with scissors to cut the okra--we've taught her well; one more thing I can strike from my weekend list.

I will wrap up this first blog post. Bella and I are headed off to horse country for her Saturday lesson. And it sure is hard to write with a 9-year-old fat cat in between you and the keyboard. Beamer has found me in a sitting position and literally jumped on the opportunity for some one-on-one time with his 'mama'. He is a gnaw on your fingers if you ain't paying me no attention kind of cat. And now kneading my stomach.

Stay tuned for an onslaught of pictures and posts. If you are a woman over the age of 40 reading this... have you had a mammogram this last year; if not, make your appointment. If you are a woman under the age of 40... take some time today for a self-exam.

Love to you all.


Frances Rae said...

I am SO HAPPY that you started a blog! I love your voice -- in person, over the phone, on blogspot -- any way I can get it. The Irish Indian is a perfect name. I look forward to checking back often!

Big Sister said...

I hope to be able to get on hear most days... but you know how that goes. Thanks for your comment.