Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sweet neighbors bring sweet blessings to our yard

Rick, Isabella and I have some great neighbors. We have the neighborhood "watchdog" across the street. She has the same passion for growing things in her yard as we do. She has been very generous in brining us plants and seeds over the course of the last ten months, and will continue to do so I imagine. I have some fabulous pink dahlias in the backyard thanks to her. Her mother-in-law lives directly across the street from us (we stand in Ms. Kent's front yard everyday to wait on the school bus). Ms. Kent gave us some sweet potatoes in the spring and explained to us how to get them to sprout. We then broke off the sprouts and placed them in water; they root over night! I planted about fifteen sprouts in the ground in the spring... and we finally harvested out sweet potatoes last week. These are just two of many wonderful people who live on our street.

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