Sunday, April 5, 2009

A wonder-full weekend!!

The Agapanthus are getting ready for their blue-toned "firework" display.

Our little firecracker!

Friday night we drove over to the parking lot of the Gulfarium in Ft. Walton Beach to meet up with Rick's little sister, Cali. Isabella hopped in her car and they drove off to Panama City Beach... and Rick and I headed home. Aaahhh. (Cali and Isabella were very excited, for Jason was out of town... thus it was going to be a girl's night complete with fashion shows and fun! Isabella then got to spend some time with her Noni on Saturday and Sunday).

My little sister, April, came in town from Panama City on Friday. She helped me get motivated for a Saturday YARD SALE. Upon cleaning out the garage the previous weekend... and with Isabella in Panama City (for she does NOT want us to get rid of ANYTHING belonging to her)... and the glorious weather... it turned out to be the ideal weekend to get rid of some stuff.

I probably got four hours of sleep Friday night, but it was worth the depravation. We got up at 530am on Saturday. April made signs indicating we'd be operating from 7am to 1pm. Rick helped me move all the tables outside and went and put up the signs. Rick sold a BUNCH of tomato plants at the sale. And a bunch of items that have been unsold in a number of yard sales FINALLY sold. (We even had boxes of stuff from previous yard sales in the attic... but no longer). By 1:30pm I had four boxes packed for Goodwill, the tables broken down, and the garage door back down. We made a little over $140! Within an hour we were at Home Depot and had spent every penny of the Yard Sale money and then some... but we came home with a plethora of goodies for the garden!

Rick's 'Aunt D' and cousin, Avery, came by yesterday afternoon and saw our home and gardens for the 1st time. Always fun to share our home with Family!

This morning I awoke to the lawnmover making rounds; Rick had gotten up earlier than I and gone straight to work. He and I both THRIVE off yard work! It is supposed to rain today. As soon as it starts to pour... he and I are going to head into the greenhouse and start some seeds: herbs galore and more.

So happy to have been able to hang with my little sister this weekend!

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