Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Hardy Gardens

Welcome to our Yard.

What we see when we open our front door.

Our bird bath serves more as a kitty drinking bowl than a bird hang-out. See our newly-acquired rain barrel in the corner?!

The first of our rose bushes to bloom.

Our Iris & Gardenia Garden. Rick dug up the Irises out of our neighbors yard on Saturday afternoon. My honey planted Irises for us!

Our front yard. The Adirondack chairs were made by Rick's grandfather, Shep Hardy. He also made the UF butterfly box hanging by the garage.

Square Foot Gardening. We currently have the following planted here: tomatoes, pole beans (at the trellis), artichoke, carrots, bush beans, onions, volunteer lettuce (in the pots), marigolds, and collards. See Lucky the kitten at the far left. And our OWL at the trellis on the left - Special Thanks to my Grandma Fran!!

One view of our back yard/patio. The square garden contains herbs: basil, oregano, chives, rosemary, dill, and yarrow. The circular garden on the right has a citrus tree (that practically froze this winter... but we found some green leaf buds yesterday... as I went to cut it down) and more of the Irises from the neighbor; Isabella, her friend Fiona, and Rick planted these Irises. The Tiki Hut and Banana Trees were provided by Rick's maternal grandparents: Don & Esther.

Check out the Snap Dragons; what a wondferul pink color. And the purply-blue Salvia!

Our Red Maple was a house-warming/birthday gift from Don & Esther. We are still working on our stone pathway.

Where Isabella checks the mail. My Gran Fran gave us the mailbox cover (it is a plastic coated paper with magnets on the underside... it has lasted a good while now... love it!). There are day lilies, chives, mexican daisies (the purple and white flower), and a little purple flower that Isabella picked out for me. All of the bricks are from a pile that was in our yard when we bought the house; we still have more to figure out what to do with.
Hope you enjoyed this tour. More to come as things really start blooming!

1 comment:

Frances Rae said...

Love the tour! Can't wait to have a place of my own. You two are fabulous stewards of your little plot of earth.