Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Horse Show

It has only been sixteen days since my last break in posting. Much better than the previous reprieve.

Isabella participated in her 1st Horse Show this last Saturday at Rustic Trail Stables. Her instructors agreed to let her show in her Western gear for this show; she was so cute with her braids, buckle, and boots. Rick and I now have to invest in English Riding Boots and some new Cowgirl boots, for she has finally outgrown these.

We had many cheerleaders at this momentous occasion: Me, Rick, my little sister April, my mother and her fiancee David, Rick's father, Rick's little sister Cali, our family friend Paula, and both sets of Rick's grandparents! (We hope we weren't too loud and obnoxious :)

Isabella won 3rd place in her first event: Horse in Hand.

This Saturday was extra special because Isabella won her 1st EVER of many blue ribbons she will receive over the course of her lifetime. FIRST PLACE in Equitation (she tied for first with one other girl... and there were only the two of them... but they both did great). Woohoo! We are proud parents! She did AWESOME! We all had a good time.

The below pictures, of course, loaded opposite the order I intended for viewers to see them. So I share with you the end of the show to the beginning of the show. And of course I picked the one family picture that does not show off her blue ribbon. Oh well. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Frances Rae said...

Her belt buckle says Champion, which is the meaning of "Nealon." So, she is riding around with a little bit of her cous.

She looks so proud :) And I love how you can sport the shorts -- both because of the fabulous temperature and the great legs!

Yes, 16 days is much more acceptable than 3 months.