Friday, November 21, 2008

Medical Malpractice

So I get an email today that some medical claims have been processed by my healthcare provider. I knew that the Isabella-breaking-her-collarbone-X-rays were going to be costly: $664 and I haven't met my deductible yet, so you know what that means. When we had these Xrays taken at the Urgent Care clinic late that Monday evening, they referred us to an Orthopaedic specialist. Guess how much they are charging me for the "professional services" to see the Physician's Assistant @ the Orthopaedic office where they viewed Isabella's Xrays and felt along her collar bone... and then told me the same information I learned online... less than 10 minutes in the room???


Needless to say I called them immediately and explained that they need to review this charge. I will gladly pay for an office visit (heck, I already paid a $50 co-pay). But I REFUSE to pay over $500 for them to tell me "yeah, it's broken... nothing you can really do about it...." I'll update you after the "30-45 day review" process.

And people wonder why some folks just don't want to take their kids to a doctor.


Frances Rae said...

And people wonder why people would cast a vote against universal health care, essentially...

Frances Rae said...

I need more frequent posting, here! Two weeks?!

Frances Rae said...

Two months!

Frances Rae said...

Four months?! You have no excuse, Lily Dean!