Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Making Strides

As you know... I walked my fourth Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk on October 25th. This year I surpassed my two goals: 1) I raised over $1,000 yet again for this amazing and important cause, and 2) I had the most walkers with me than in years past... four friends and family for a team of five. My mom, my sister April, my daughter, and my friend/co-worker Daun. After working behind the scenes this year on the Team Recruitment Committee, it truly was a great day seeing all of our hard work come together. Great weather and great company for a great cause!

(I had to wager with Isabella for movies from Blockbuster to keep her walking; by the end of the walk we had worked up to three movies. A movie and mile.)

1 comment:

Frances Rae said...

I am so proud of you. And you raised all that money without a cent from me. I'm sorry I'm not more help with the cause -- I'm a student living on loans so I'd have to pay that donation back with interest... It's great that you got Mom and April and Bella to walk with you. Y'all are so cute.