Monday, September 7, 2009

The Vegetable Garden

The veggies we planted last spring are about kaput... except for the last of the okra (which we did not plant enough of this year) and the peppers. We have been busy canning whole jalapenos, slided jalapenos, pickles, okra, pepper relish, and banana peppers. We have dried a good bit too: pepper chips and okra for future gumbos, basil from the neighbor (we have some, but she brought over bushels of it), and tomatoes. The potatoes above are from Rick's grandfather's garden. We did harvest and store a good bit of sweet potatoes and butternut squash this year.

Yesterday we finally planted our fall garden. We have collard greens, mustard greens, cabbage, broccoli, beets, carrots, and celery in the ground. Never planted celery before... not sure if it will even grow here, but we'll see. And of course, the Lord watches over us for it rained right after we planted. This morning Rick got up and got gas for the mower. I immediatley headed into the yard to remove and obstacles. After mowing, pulling weeds, straightening, and weed eating... it is again raining. Aaahh. The yard looks wonderful!

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