Saturday, August 15, 2009

Isabella's SIXTH Birthday.

Hello all. Isabella had a great 6th birthday.

Our adventure actually started Friday night!

Rick set up our little dome tent in the backyard Friday. I finally got home from work and birthday errands at around 7pm. Isabella had created a pile of our camping gear: sleeping bag, pillows for the entire family, and food for the cats and dog (I believe that she imagined the ENTIRE family, critters and all, camping in the tent). I added the to the pile: graham crackers, hershey bars, marshmallows, sparklers, and my yearbook (so that I could be studying up in the tent for my 10-year High School Reunion). I went outside and lit a handful of our tiki lanterns for both ambiance and bug control.

My favorite meal to prepare is STIR FRY. Rick had the rice cooked when I got home (we make a good team). I sauteed garlic, carrots, onions, bell pepper (fog), celery, fresh ginger root, and okra (fog). FOG = From the Garden. I added in chicken and scrambled eggs. Yum! Although Isabella wanted all three of us to eat inside he tent, we talked her into letting us sit at our lovely tiki table amidst the tiki torches. It was a wonder-filled family moment.

After dinner, Isabella and I prepared to embark upon the tent. I had bought ring pops and a box of nerds at the dollar store and we brought this with us. I also had picked up three scratch-off tickets (she's got the love/excitement of gambling in her blood, from both sides). We won $2 on the first ticket (the only $2 ticket I bought, so we broke even there), and nada on the other two $1 tickets. We dipped our rings pops in the nerds, a great combination that I only discovered after I had inadvertently bought those two items. Smore time! My mom had created these "fire-starters" out of old paper towel rolls stuffed with lint from the dryer (a creative little new-age indian she is). Rick used those to start the wood (that I have been collecting piece-meal from the yard: oaks limbs that have fallen, dried daylily stems, gargantuan mulch pieces, and other various dried foliage). Isabella swears this was her first smores experience. Isabella roasted the marshmallows and helped me put the chocolate on the crackers. I knew that our experience would end in me eating 1.5 smores, for she got through half of hers and was done. I added two more roasted marshmallows and called it quits. Needless to say, I have NOT been crash dieting before my reunion. We then launched into entertaining ourselves with some left over poppers from the 4th of July; they smash well against the white metal chairs around the tiki table! We then did some sparklers! It was time to get ready for bed. The twin-sized air mattress that I inflated and dragged outside had already mostly deflated. After listening to the sounds of the night for about, eh, three minutes... Isabella decided that we would be more comfortable inside. Plus, she was concerned that Rosie might have her babies (kittens did not arrive) during the night while we were outside. All compounded by the fact that we were both hot... evenings in August are just as ruthless.

Aside- as I am writing, Isabella is galloping through the backyard on her horse-on-a-stick... in her new riding gear a la Noni. See pictures below with her fabulous new riding breeches and boots!

After a good night's sleep in our beds, I awoke around 6am and started to prepare for the day. I got the balloons and tabletop decorations out of the car. Birthdays are like Christmas; their excitement messes with their internal clock, and they are up at the earliest possible hour. Bella woke at 7am. We proceeded to open the gifts from Noni, as they had shipped in the day before and Isabella spent most of the evening wondering what was inside. Her new riding boots and riding breeches were perfect. She was immediately dressed and ready for horseback lessons, even though they did not start until 9:45a. I had the full intention of making 'mommy-made-donuts' and had even stopped to pick up biscuits on the drive home; however, I didn't realize that Rick had used ALL of the powdered sugar to make icing previously. Oh well. Birthday Breakfast = AppleJacks!

Isabella and I drove out to horseback (Rick stayed behind to work on her 'big' present). Isabella got an hour long lesson with a different instructor, Molly, while getting to ride her favorite stable horse: Chance. After the lesson, we walked around the grounds of the stable feeding yellow apple slices we had brought to each and every horse we passed.

Upon getting home, we went to Ruby Tuesday for lunch. Isabella ordered the chicken tenders with fries and a sprite, Rick got a burger, and I chose the endless salad bar (which I highly recommend, for I have never had so many options as to what to put on my salad: soybeans, garbanzo beans, pickled beets, goat cheese, ham, bacon, and every other fresh veggie you could imagine). After eating our meal, the waitress brought Bella the best ever sundae. It had ice cream, whipped cream, two chocolate chip cookies, and one marachino cherry. Isabella immediately grabbed the cherry and started to dramatically suck the juice from the innerds of the cherry. (We have a little actress for those of you who haven't witnessed her skills yourself). Still holding the flattened cherry between her fingers, she proceeded to reach out and offer her dad and I cherry juice as well. Sweet girl, but no thanks. We did help her finish off her sundae though.

The Clue Trail: On the drive home, I asked Isabella a riddle. "What school did mommy go to?" Her response, "I don't know." Okay, let's try "What football team does daddy and mommy like to watch?" "Uuummm," she replied. Alright.... I made the Gator Chomp motion. "Gators!"
Right before we left I had set up a "clue hunt" for Bella that would lead her through the house and finally to her ultimate/big birthday present from mom and dad. A gator hat from the dollar store held clue #1. From there it read "go to the place where you wash your hair, I bet a clue you will find there"... in the shower she found new bath shampoo, body wash, and hair detangler (for school) and the next clue. She was then directed to the pantry to find bath salts and the next clue. Then to her bedroom and the Barbie House for a new kitty wand/toy (she LOVES her cats... Genjur, Twiggy, and the newest addition ROSIE). Then to mom's pillow for some cool hot pink and blue wigs and another clue. On to the clothes dryer for WATER BALLOONS and a clue. The front closet held a purple swimming Noodle and instructions to head "out the door and around the gate, your big present from mom and dad awaits."

A POOL! She immediately wanted to get in. And the first thing on Sunday, she was in her suit. Sunday also marked the first day all summer long that her best buddy Fiona was back in town. They had a big time swimming most of the day Sunday (and a sunburn, too... oops).

After much swimming on Saturday, we headed over to Isabella's great-grandparents house for birthday cake and more presents. Christine had ordered a chocolate cake with chocolate icing topped with horses, fencing, and greenery. Isabella and Christine had already taken off all the horses before we got a picture OR sand happy birthday. Crazy girls! Isabella got lots of clothes (thanks to Pam), a camera from her Gma/Shep, some earrings (she can only have hypo-allergenic earrings), and some notebooks and such for school. I had picked out a pink backpack at Target so that she would have another present from mom and dad to open. Well, mom apparently lacks taste, for she turned up her nose to the one I picked out. We will be heading back to Target this week to exchange for a "cooler" pack.

Isabella's Aunt April came over to play while Rick and I headed to our 10-year Highschool Reunion at the Fish House. April and Isabella did some more swimming! They were baking cookies by the time Rick and I got home. And it wasn't long before...

You seel all her horses (including the new brown one from Cali and Jason... this BIG present was waiting on the front porch when we got back from Ruby Tuesday... Thank You, Jason!). We now have EVERY color horse they make: Black, Tan, Brown, White, and Black/White!

It was a memory-filled birthday.

Stay tuned... for we are planning Isabella's PINK PONY PARTY for Saturday, September 12th.