Sunday, July 5, 2009

Aahhh. Sunday

I hope you had a marvelous 4th of July. We grilled ribs, boiled some corn, and whipped up some green bean casserole and yeast rolls. We lit all the tiki torches, turned on the back yard lights, and enjoyed our yard and home as a family. It felt so wonderful watching Isabella light her own sparklers (we set out some candles and she lit them there). Rick dragged out the camera and his birthday tripod to catch some shots of the fireworks. We watched a full blown fireworks show from the comfort of our yard special thanks to our neighbors.
I feel free: I am sitting in the floor in my pj's, drinking a cup of coffee and contemplating my day. My husband went deep sea fishing early this morning, and my child is galavanting with her Aunt Lulu for a brief escape.

My back is feeling better. As of Friday, I thought it was going to be a rough weekend; however, I feel pretty good. (I think I worked out the kink yesterday with some heavy housework, weeding in the yard, pushing myself to the extreme!).
LOVE - Iris